Mia von Scha

The Values Box - Getting to know your kids on a deeper level.

Have fun getting to know each other!

Interactive 213 pages All ages Family activity
R 599.00

The Values Box has 213 cards with thought provoking, interesting and entertaining questions. 
It is ideal for parents, therapists, ice-breakers and any other time you need a little help getting to know your loved ones, your clients and/or your colleagues. 

About The Values Box
Your child’s values are the things that are most important to them, the things that makes their little worlds tic. It is important to know children's values, because this is where they will both give and receive love, where they will feel heard and respected, what they are most likely to hear and remember.
When we truly understand somebody else, by taking the time to know what is important to them, then we take our communication to a much deeper level.

This is a fun way to implement this into your daily family life and to keep up to date with the ever-changing people in your home.

Use your Values Box to pick a card at random when sitting down to a meal together. Find out what your child is thinking about, dreaming about, working towards and excited to pursue. Get to know what makes them feel scared, what they need when they feel sad, and which rules they think are unfair. Share your own embarrassing moments, valued traits, and ideas on what could improve in the world.

Use these questions as a starting point for deeper conversations about life, love, friendships and faith. Find out just how deeply your little one ponders, catch limiting beliefs before they grow, and entice your whole family into questioning the greater questions in life.

Most importantly, have fun getting to know each other!

Created by Mia Von Scha (Child Therapist & Parenting Coach)

The Values Box - Getting to know your kids on a deeper level.

What's Inside